Leena Holmström is a photographer and contemporary artist living and working in Oulu. She graduated as a visual artist from the Lapland University of Applied Sciences’ Department of Digital Visual Arts (AMK, 2016) and as a Master of Arts from the University of Lapland (TaM,2018). Her works have been featured in several solo exhibitions in Finland and in joint exhibitions in Hungary, Italy and Spain, among others.
In the intuitive process of self-portraits, Leena Holmström deals with difficult emotions such as shame or contradictions related to femininity as a bodily experience. Often with humor and emphatic gaze.
Abstract expressionism in photography often emphasizes the expression of feelings and thoughts through abstract shapes, colors and composition. Staging and processing offer tools with which Leena can bring different time levels into the picture and enables metaphorical expression.
2024 Valokuvakeskus PhotoNorth. Oulu, Finland
At the kitchen table
2020 Koivu ja tähti -kulttuurikeskus. Muhos, Finland.
Silitän hiuksiani. I stroke my hair
2020, Tyrnävän Myllykirjasto. Tyrnävä, Finland,
Merkityksettömiä hetkiä. Meaningless moments
2019 Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus. Oulu, Finland
Merkityksettömiä hetkä. Meaningless moments
2018 Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika. Tampere, Finland
Merkityksettömiä hetkiä. Meaningless moments
2017 Pohjanmaan valokuvakeskus (POVA) Finland,
Silitän hiuksiani. I stroke my hair
2016 Lapin Taiteilijaseura, Galleria Napa. Rovaniemi, Finland.
Silitän hiuksiani. I stroke my hair
2016 Galleria Uusi Kipinä. Lahti, Finland
Silitän hiuksiani. I stroke my hair
2009 UBI-näytöt / Katugalleria, Street gallery. Oulu, Finland
Digitaidetta kasveista /Digital Art from Plants
-PH21 Gallery, Harmony and disharmony, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Photographic Divercity, Barcelona, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Shape, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Motion, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, -scapes. Barcelona, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Out of the ordinary, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Vision and Expression: the art of photography, Barcelona, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Upside down, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Dolling up the lens, Barbie. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Shape. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Portraits beyond faces. Budapest, Hungary
-FotoNostrum Sideshow July, Barcelona Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Time. Budapest, Hungary, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, -scapes. Barcelona, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Silence. Budapest, Hungary
-FotoNostrum Gallery, 19th Julia Mrgaret Cameron Award Exhibition,
Self-Portraiture series, Barcelona Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Personality: Contemporary Portraiture, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Urban, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Upside down. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Feminine / Masculine. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Photography Visions-Winter 2023. Mini-series. Budapest, Hungary
-Gallery Rossocinabro, Lo Spazio Sacro - 2a ed. Rome Art Night. Roma, Italy
-M.A.D.S Art Gallery, Adrengromo for dinner exhibition, Milano Italy
-Valid World Hall Gallery, Shape, PH21, curated, Barcelona, Spain
-Gallery Rossocinabro, RomeArt Week, Rome, Italy
-Gallery Roccocinabro, Be Rossocinabro, Rome, Italy
-Palazzo Bembo, Itsliquid Group, Venice International Art fair-15th edition, Italy
-PH21 Gallery, Portraits without faces, curated, Budapest, Hungary
-Meam Museo, invited, video exhibition in Barcelona
-PH21 Gallery, -scapes, curated, Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Significant Colour, curated, Budapest, Hungary
-Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre,Paris, invited, video exhibition
-Palazzo Bembo, invited, Venice International Art fair - 15th Edition
-The Online Gallery Show and Virtual Gallery, curated, All about Women
-Gallerium Art exhibition Emotions 2022, curated, Canada
-PH21 Gallery, Stories, curated. Budapest, Hungary
-Valid World Hall Gallery, The Art of Photography, PH21, curated, Barcelona, Spain
-PH21 Gallery, Contemporary Portraiture, curated, Budapest, Hungary
-Taidekeskus Ahjo. Huhtikuu on kuukausista julmin. Joensuu, Finland
-Lapuan ArtBiennale, Arki, kuratoitu. Lapua, Finland
-PH21 Gallery, The art of photography, curated, PH21@Rome, Italy
-PH21 Gallery, Material, curated. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, CorpoRealities, curated. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Glitch, curated. Budapest, Hungary
-PH21 Gallery, Portraits Without Faces, curated. Budapest, Hungary
2018 Hippolytes. VTL 30 Kesäolohuone. Helsinki, Finland
2017 Oulun taiteilijaseura, Kulttuuritalo Valve.Vaikeat ajat. Oulu, Finland
2016 Suomen Pohjoismainen Taideliitto, Almintalo, SÄRÖ. Loviisa, Finland
2015 Kuvataiteilijat (AMK). Näkemys. Tornio, Finland
2014 Kew Garden IGPOTY. London, Great Britain
2013 Ympäristötalo. Digitaalinen valokuvaesitys 32 min. Oulu, Finland
2018 University of Lapland, Master of fine arts (TaM)
2016 Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Master of Arts (AMK)
2009 Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Specialization in Digital Art (YAMK)
2009 Adult Education Center of Tampere, Av Communication Degree in Design (AT)
2000 Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Master of Arts in Design (AMK)
Kurssit Curses
2024 The allure of the abstract, The Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki
2022 Experimental photography, The Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki
2019 Creative photography, Porkkala
2018-2021 Photography mentoring, Katseen konsultit
2021, Lapuan ArtBiennale, 1. sija. Pohjanmaan valokuvakeskus (POVA)
2021 Lahden runomaraton, runovideoteos Kraaselin merellä, kunniamaininta
2016, Eisa Photo Maestro kansallinen osio, Jäälakeus-sarja 1. sija
2015, Ifolorin Vuoden kuvakirja -kilpailu luova-sarja 1. sija
2015 Kamera lehti, Suurkisa aktiivisarja, Ahvenvita
2014, IGPOTY, Kew Garden finalist, Dreamer
2010, IGPOTY Kew Garden Seasons finalist, 3. place, Sunshine
2010, IGPOTY Kew Garden shortlisted, Sunshine
2010, IGPOTY Kew Garden shortlisted, Vulnerability
2010, Kamera lehti osakilpailu, Haavoittuvuus
2009, Kamera lehti suurkisa, Maalaus
2009, Kuusamo Nature luova-sarja, 2. sija, Tanssi
The Book of Arts: Emotions publication. Boat export. 2022
Artistonish Magazine 6/2022. Boat export
Magazine “Art International Contemporary" artwork Midnight blues. 2022
Catalog of the event International Prize PARIS, artwork Midnight blues. 2022
Mökkiluonto tutuksi kännykällä. Helsinki: Maahenki, 2018
Metsätähti. Runollinen kuvateos Trin matkasta. Oulu: Natans Oy, 2011
RunoKuvia. Valokuvista kielikuviin. Oulu: Natans Oy, 2012
Kesän viime hehku. Helsinki: Ifolor, 2015
Kello merelle soi. Toim. Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa, 2015
2021 Oulun kaupunki projektiavustus, Kiven iholla- projektiin
2020 Finnfoto - Suomen valokuvajärjestöt ry, runollisen valokuvakirjan painatuskuluihin
2016-, Oulu Artists' Association -63, Oulun Taiteilijaseura -63 ry
2016-, Finnish Artist Society (STS), Suomen Taiteilija seura (STS)
2016-, Association of Photographic Artists, Valokuvataiteilijoiden Liitto ry